Watching television may seem like a good way to relax, but it may actually have a negative impact on your physical and psychological health.
Psychology tip of the day: Half-smile to lift your mood
When you're in a bad mood, try half smiling. You may find your mood begin to lift, and even get a few smiles in return! Try the exercises in this handout for more ideas for when to practice your half-smile.
Psychology Tip of the Day: Help Your Child Breathe Slower
Help children breathe slower by coaching them through the process. As they breathe, say, "Breathe in...2...3...4...and out...2...3..4..." Repeat several times.
For information on child counseling, click here.
Psychology Tip of the Day: Breathe Slowly
Deep breathing works better when it's done slowly. Slow your breaths down by counting slowly to four as you inhale and again as you exhale. To slow your breaths even more, hold for an additional count of four between in and out breaths.
Psychology Tip of the Day: Teach Deep Breathing to Your Children
Children can benefit from deep breathing, too. Teach your child how to breathe deeply by having him lie on his back with a toy on his stomach and practice making the toy rise with each deep breath.